A new season of Joy

It started on Wednesday night when I was getting ready to meet a friend for dinner. “Just enjoy yourself” came to my mind. I felt a sense of peace and relaxation.

Over the past couple of days, I realized that I had considered most occasions with others as ministry or work because, in my mind, that is what I thought they were supposed to be. However, I have been in error. It has been God’s intention for me just to enjoy myself and have fun. The fact that God wants us to be happy has been stirring and resonating within me these few days. Just be happy!

The scripture declares that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). The Lord intends that we enjoy ourselves, our lives. Jesus came to give us life, and that more abundantly. (Romans 10)

One morning a few years ago, I sat on our basement stairs praying. I was getting ready to facilitate one of our Healing Springs women’s events. And as usual, I was stressed, wanting everything to go ‘right.’ As I prayed for the event and all details, God spoke to my heart, “Enjoy the journey.” He wanted me to enjoy the journey with Him. A peace washed over me as all worry and fear melted away. I leaned into His joy.

As the years passed, I often thought of His words as I prepared for future Healing Springs events. Each time, His peace would wash over me. Yet, I only applied His word to events. I had not applied His word to my life. God wants us to enjoy our life’s journey with Him.

Throughout the Bible, scriptures speak to joy, praise, thanksgiving, singing, dancing – all of which shift perspectives, our perspectives. All of which shift atmospheres. They remove stress, fear, anxiety, doubt, and unbelief, allowing for the peace of God to come in. This peace passes above our comprehension. And this peace guards, watches over our hearts and minds.

• God’s joy brings strength.
• God’s joy brings peace.
• God’s joy brings clarity.
• God’s joy brings revelation.
• God’s joy brings victory.
• God’s joy brings salvation.

Last week, during the Faith By Love prayer call, God revealed that the time of mourning was over. He was releasing new grain and new wine. This new grain and new wine refer to His joy. God turned our mourning into dancing – joy. (Psalm 30:11)

God released a new joy on March 19th. Or at least it was revealed to me that morning. And I am thanking God for His revelation! This joy, His joy, is available to you and me.

I decreed this new joy over my family today. And I decree this new joy over you today.

Enter into the joy of the Lord, and just…be…happy!

Psalms 30:11-12 (AMP) You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.